“Leiser snow” (view from my window series) 2015
acrylic on canvas
60 x 80cm


“View from my window at Elsterstrasse 5” 2015
120 x 200cm  on 12 canvas of 40cm x 50cm
acrylic on canvas



“Ashiq and Harmony” 2015
acrylic on canvas



“The Simple life” 2016
100cm x 100cm
pigments on unprimed linnen
(India series)




“Lord Shiva” 2016
95 cm x 100cm
pigments on yellow linnen


“Bathers” 2015
12cm x 20 cm
acrylic on canvas



“Street near home in winter” 2016
acrylic on unprimed canvas
85cm x 120cm
plein air painting





“Imaginary Theatre, Karl Marx Platz” 2016
acrylic on unprimed cotton
100cm x 110cm
plein air painting




“Staying Alive” 2016
120cm x 200cm
pigments with acrylic medium on green bed sheet





“Lost Passengers” 2016
85cm x 120cm
pigments with acrylic medium on unprimed cotton





“Sommer Bad” 2016
acrilic on canvas
150cm x 120cm